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Friday, February 11, 2011

Lunch Seminar: Death Penalty in East and West

The Amnesty Blindern against Death Penalty-goup invites you to a lunch seminar with Lill Scherdin, who will give us a historical and cultural perspective on death penalty in east and west. There will also be a closer look at Taiwan as one of our group members is a Taiwanese activist against death penalty.

Lill Scherdin took her doctorate degree in 2004 with a thesis entitled: “Control cultures and ethics pinpointed.”Scherdins research interests encompass: punishment and social structure, comparative studies of crime and control, Human rights and the Death penalty, Holocaust and genocide studies, processes of exclusion and criminalisation.Scherdin is currently involved in a research project on the Death penalty, Human Rights and the Moral justifications for punishment. She is also coordinating a global network of researchers on capital punishment.

We look forward to seeing YOU there Tuesday 15th of February at 12.15.
Blindern, Sophus Bugge, Aud 2
A simple lunch, coffee and cakes will be served.

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